
To start using the Janus administration API you need to get a JSON Web Token and provide it in every single request using the Authorization header.

You can choose to log in with either github or basic providers.


To login with Github, you need to send a valid Github access token in the Authorization header. This token will be exchanged for a JWT that you can use to make requests to the admin gateway API.

You can choose to either go through the oAuth2 flows to authorize an user on github, or generate a Personal Access Token and provide that instead.

Authentication is then performed with the following request:

http -v --json POST localhost:8081/login?provider=github "Authorization:Bearer githubToken"
curl -X "POST" localhost:8081/login?provider=github -H 'Authorization:Bearer githubToken'

You can also configure which organizations/teams will be allowed to log into the Admin API. This can be done with the following configuration:

  # The algorithm that you want to use to create your JWT
  algorithm = "HS256"
  # This is the secret that you will use to encrypt your JWT
  secret = "secret key"

  # The github owner/organizations that will be allowed to login on the private API
  organizations = ["hellofresh"]
  # A map of the owner/organization and the team name that will have access to the private API
  teams = {hellofresh = "devs"}


Alternatively, you can authenticate against the admin API using HTTP Basic Authentication.

http -v --json POST localhost:8081/login username=admin password=admin
curl -X "POST" localhost:8081/login -d '{"username": "admin", "password": "admin"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

The username and password default to admin/admin, and should be changed using the following configuration:

  # The algorithm that you want to use to create your JWT
  algorithm = "HS256"
  # This is the secret that you will use to encrypt your JWT
  secret = "secret key"

  # A dictionary with the user and password
  users = [
    {admin = "admin"}

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